Rotary MK are involved in various projects in Milton Keynes and Internationally
Rotary MK are involved in various projects in Milton Keynes and Internationally
Below are some of Rotary MK's recent projects - click to view more details
Each year, a small proportion of the funds raised by Swimathon is allocated to use for general charitable purposes within the Milton Keynes area. Our priorities are to support those with special needs, those seeking to develop their skills, and enterprising individuals.
We are involved in five regular projects
Help for older people
This was the scene at the June 2018 competition, sponsored by several Milton Keynes rotary clubs
An annual theatre trip for young MK carers
The 2018 MK winner was pianist Anaïs Stanners from Oakgrove School, who was sponsored by MK Rotary Club
An annual trip to Whipsnade Zoo for students of Redway School
On 22 February Steel Bones, a charity supporting civilian amputees, together with Milton Keynes Rotary Club, iFly Indoor Skydiving, Xscape, Pizza Express and Destination Milton Keynes, all pulled together to create a once-in-a-lifetime skydiving experience for Steel Bones members.
The care and sensitivity with which iFly staff assisted the Steel Bones members to skydive was wonderful to see and Pizza Express laid on a most enjoyable meal with excellent organisation and superb service for Steel Bones members and their families.
An exciting follow-up is that a team of Steel Bones members will swim in Milton Keynes Rotary Club’s Annual Swimathon on 9 March to help raise funds for other Milton Keynes community groups.
Planting trees and bushes to brighten up the patio at Kilkenny House sheltered housing in Westcroft
Contributing towards the cost of a storage facility for First Middleton Scouts, new tents for Milton Keynes District Guides and camping equipment for MK Ranger Scouts.
Making a donation to a national cancer charity to provide respite breaks for Milton Keynes children.
Contributing to the travel costs of a group of five young women from Denbigh School who have won a place in the international finals of a schools technology challenge in Abu Dhabi.
Providing financial support to young people from MK who have been selected to take part in voluntary service projects overseas. We sometimes invite them to come and tell us about their experiences.
Funding the materials to enable a volunteer local carpenter to build a bookcase for Olney’s Cowper and Newton Museum.
Helping South Central Ambulance League of Friends to provide equipment for their Community First Responders.
Purchasing track suits and waterproofs for Romans Field School leavers’ residential weekend.