In 2019, through various fundraising activities, including an East meets West evening with bi-cultural food, music and dancing, and a sponsored ‘Loop the Loop’ in a glider, Rotary MK began a project to support education in India. A generous grant was awarded from Rotary Foundation, allowing a three-year, £28,000 project to begin, taking education to new heights and building a happy school; one where children are eager to learn.
History of the Project
In 2018 two members of Rotary MK who had originated from Bihar State, NE India, visited their families back home. They had been asked to keep an eye out for a potential project with which our club could get involved.
And Now … From this to this
Despite the pandemic closing the school for much of 2020/21 refurbishment continued. When the school reopened, many children remained working on their family farms but many more reengaged with learning in their New, Happy School.
2019. Distracted and demotivated children sat on the floor with no books or pens.
2022. Packed classrooms with motivated and engaged children all seated at desks with books and pens, cooled with ceiling fans.
2019. One water pump served the whole school.
2022. Toilets refurbished and tiled with new hand washing station outside.
2019. Lorries had churned up the ground around the school
2022. All the outside areas repaved.
Computer skills, alongside basic English, is taught by volunteers from Being Helper charity, three times a week.
2021. Children taught in a large group
Early 2022. Small groups get hands–on opportunity with the teacher.
Mid 2022. Groups work independently.
Computer work became so popular that in Summer 2022 many children asked if they could continue through their Summer Holidays. The volunteer teachers were happy to oblige.